
D.I.Y | Lens Macro Prosumer / Macro Lens Smartphone

2017-05-09 7 Dailymotion

Lens Prosumer

Lensbong prosumer is a prosumer camera lens lenses were dismantled and taken together with the slug to use macro photos using a mobile phone / cell phone so there must be a vignette, and usually use digital zoom to eliminate or minimize. So the object is definitely the small and fixed focus back and forth pretty alias when fit motret to get the focus and the focus distance for single use lens is about 5cm. and to double lens prosumer skitr 2cm.Lensa there are two types of the usual manifold and zoom (ZOOM IT JUST TYPE LENSA.dan designation for the zoom does not mean we can zoom in and zoom out.)


Tutorial Macro with Phone :

D.I.Y Lens Macro SmartPhone :


Music : NoCopyrightSounds

Alan Walker - Fade [NCS Release]

LIKE FANPAGE Mobile Photography

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